Followers of so-called “High Tech” method say that it is impossible to grow carpet plants on El Natural tanks.

This is to proof that we can do the opposite.

2 gal DSM tanks in 2009

2 gal DSM tanks in 2012

Note from Diana:

Hello Folks,

I have been busy on a cookbook, but wanted to jump in with today’s photo of my two 2 gal DSM tanks. The article on my book’s website describes their setup in 2009. Thank you Vickie for posting link.

Today’s news. The tanks, plants, and shrimp are doing very well. I have glass shrimp in lefthand tank. Other tank (on the right) has Cherry Shrimp– there’s one on the far right. Shrimp have done well.

The plants that survived are the Dwarf Hairgrass, Dwarf Baby Tears, and the pygmy Anubias. These species took over the tanks. 

I have a very gentle bubbler and a little heater pad in each tank. The tanks have had almost no maintenance. Change half of the water every month and do a little pruming…
